Gender Dynamics, Technology and Substances W/ Danielle LaPorte

Greetings, SuperFriends!
Today we are joined by a superstar named Danielle LaPorte. She's the author of 3 non-fiction books, including her newest one, White Hot Truth. Danielle is one of Oprah Winfrey's' Super Soul 100 leaders, and she also is a very popular blogger and thought leader. She has a Top 10 iTunes app, one of her books has been translated into 8 languages… I can't really keep up with her bio.
Danielle is amazing and you guys are going to see/hear that. In this episode, we talked both about stuff that we haven't covered on this show before and about a lot of stuff that we have covered, but not in the same way.
The stuff that is new has to do with gender dynamics and what we as men can do to avoid a lot of ‘bad practices', like being patronizing, and also what you women can do, and where that boundary is for speaking up for yourself, creating boundaries, and healthy defense. We also talk a lot about very interesting things, like psychedelics, business leadership and much more.
I'm going to make you guys listen to the whole episode to get the full scoop. I really enjoyed this episode, Danielle was kind enough to say that she really enjoyed it, and I think you guys will do so too!

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In this episode, we discuss:
- What does Danielle LaPorte do? [5:40]
- How did Danielle get into all this, and what was her turning point? [8:15]
- Danielle shares a story regarding a recent man's behavior towards her in a boardroom [10:50]
- The actual reason why well-meaning men have this behavior [13:40]
- Danielle explains why my audience is mostly comprised of men [15:15]
- Danielle shares things about her character, her approach to everything, and her femininity [16:00]
- How would Danielle sum up the wisdom she is sharing with the world? [17:50]
- The difference between self-love and self-compassion [20:35]
- Why depression is a relatively new occurrence in humanity [22:10]
- Too much technology is actually harming our well-being [24:20]
- What are the strategies Danielle LaPorte is using to rein in technology usage? [26:00]
- The (serious) problems regarding willpower and discipline [29:50]
- How Danielle gives great importance to what she wants and how she wants to feel, while still getting things done [30:40]
- The importance of knowing how you want to feel [32:50]
- What is her newest book, White Hot Truth, about? [34:10]
- Techniques Danielle utilizes to do the work necessary for self-growth [37:00]
- Danielle LaPorte's view on psychedelics and other similar drugs [39:30]
- The quick solution offered by substances is probably not the best solution for you [43:30]
- Getting an amazing experience does not always mean you are ready for it [44:50]
- The great program Danielle is working on for her next big thing [48:00]
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- Danielle LaPorte's books on Amazon
- Our (second) previous episode with Amy Smith
- Naval Ravikant's podcast episode on the Tim Ferriss Show
- Our previous episode with Noah Kagan
- The Lightphone
- The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal
- Willpower Doesn't Work by Benjamin Hardy
- Drugs and The Meaning Of Life by Sam Harris
- Danielle LaPorte's website
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