How To Turn Your Stress Into The Absolute SuperPower W/ Dr. Jaime Hope

Greetings, SuperFriends!
Today we are joined by SuperWoman. Not literally, but pretty much a SuperWoman, because today I speak with Dr. Jaime Hope.
Jaime is a dual certified attending physician specializing in emergency medicine at one of the most intense level-one trauma tertiary centers in the country. She is also a published author, an online educator, a thought leader, an adjunct assistant professor at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, and many other things, including wife, mother of two, and again, all-around superwoman.
Jaime tours the world giving keynote lectures on stress, parenting, relationships, business success, healthy habits, and everything else. Jaime is a friend from Genius Network, and the last time I spoke to her and picked her brain about health, I said that we have to have her on the show to share her opinions around health, and specifically around stress. You see, she is one of the physicians whose opinion I trust more than absolutely anybody else in the world, and I'm not the only one!
Jaime knows more as a trauma tertiary center physician than just about anyone in the world I can think of around stress and stress management. So, in this episode, we didn't just talk about stress, but we go deep into how to use stress as a tool, how to manage stress, and all her various ways of managing her attention and managing her time. In fact, we go really deep into how she accomplishes so much and how she maintains peak health with all the things going on in her life!
I really really enjoyed this conversation, which is always a good indication that you will too! Enjoy!
-Jonathan Levi

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In this episode, we discuss:
- Who is Dr. Jaime Hope and what does she do? [5:10]
- What got Dr. Hope so passionate about health? [6:00]
- What are the health-related topics Dr. Hope is juggling right now? [8:20]
- Dr. Jaime's perspective on stress [9:35]
- How can we use stress to our advantage? [12:20]
- A different way to relieve the stress hormones [17:00]
- What is the long-term goal when it comes to stress? [21:45]
- What are some non-obvious things we do or don't do that mess up our health? [23:05]
- We feel and act depending on our thoughts [26:20]
- How does Jaime fit so many things in her life? [33:50]
- What strategies does Jaime utilize to perform at a high level? [42:00]
- What are some products or services that Jaime is using consistently? [47:20]
- What are some supplements that Dr. Jaime believes can help with our health? [49:10]
- Where can you learn more about Dr. Jaime Hope? [52:25]
- Dr. Jaime Hope's final takeaway message [53:30]
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- Our previous episode with Joe Polish
- Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
- Apple Watch
- Audible
- Dr. Jaime Hope's website
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