
“I’ve never had an experience like this with another course. It was amazing.” – Gonzalo Cor

Feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless reading in his university classes, 25 year-old Gonzalo Cor was looking for a change.

“…it was a really bad moment in my life, and I had a lot of exams… In that moment, I saw your course, and at first I was skeptical, but after I did the course… it was a game changer.”

Applying what he learned in the course, Gonzalo was able to use his new SuperLearner skills to retain information for his law class and outpace his peers.

With only 3 days to study ⎯ don’t try this at home, folks ⎯ he was able to achieve a high score on his law exam while his friends achieved similar results after studying for months.

Seeing the crazy results from implementing the SuperLearner methodology, Gonzalo decided to enroll in Branding You™ another course taught by Jonathan, applying his SuperLearning skills to building an online business.

“Because of the second course [Branding You™], I actually quit university. With two courses, my life changed.”

Gonzalo’s “aha” moment happened during The SuperLearner Masterclass when he realized that learning how to learn is the fundamental skill that can help you improve all aspects of your life.

Outside of his big “aha” moment, Gonzalo said that there were three main skills that he walked away with from the course:

  1. The ability to speed read. The instructions from the course helped him to speed read with just a little practice
  2. Memory skills. Many speed readers can intake information quickly, but their retention is very low. The course helped Gonzalo learn faster and retain more information
  3. Visual markers. By using the brain’s incredible power to remember visual imagery, Gonzalo saw massive results from using visual markers in his daily life

“In this fast economy, you don’t have to be a genius, but you need to be a learning machine… If you aren’t learning every day, you are going to fall behind… It’s really important to become a SuperLearner because this is a primary ability. If you [know how to] learn, you can learn whatever you want.”


Gonzalo Martin Cor