A New Plan For Sustainable Health w/ Robb Wolf
Greetings, SuperFriends! In this week’s episode, I’m joined by a repeat guest and longtime friend of mine, Robb Wolf. Robb has been on the show many times before, seeing as he’s written many New York Times bestselling books – in fact, two, in the past so far. He is also

Wade Lightheart On Discipline, Biohacking, And Health In Today’s World
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Wade Lightheart. Wade is a 3-Time Canadian national All Natural Bodybuilding Champion who competed as a vegetarian, a former Mr. Universe Competitor, the host of The Awesome Health podcast, and one of the world’s premier authorities on Natural Nutrition and Training Methods. He

Control Your Blood Sugar, Control Your Life W/ Josh Clemente of LEVELS
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Josh Clemente. Josh, the founder of Levels, is a mechanical engineer and CrossFit-L2 trainer. At SpaceX, he led a team to develop life support systems that sustained astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley on their May 2020 trip to the International Space Station

The Basics of Total Personal Transformation W/ Stephan Spencer
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Stephan Spencer. Stephan is a bestselling author of 3 books, serial entrepreneur, Internet luminary, life hacker, podcaster, and contributor to Harvard Business Review and AdWeek. His books are The Art of SEO, Social eCommerce, and Google Power Search. Stephan has optimized the websites of

Dr. Kelly Starrett On How to Train & Maintain Your Body For Peak Performance At Age 97
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today, ladies and gentlemen, I got the chance to interview a personal hero of mine – someone who I discovered probably half a decade ago, and whose work has dramatically impacted my life, my body, and the way that I feel. I’m talking, of course, about Dr. Kelly

The Importance And The Science Of Brain Health W/ Dr. Bill Sears
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today I was joined by Dr. Bill Sears, father of eight, author of 47 books, former associate professor at the University of Toronto, University of South Carolina, and the University of Southern California School of Medicine, as well as many more universities. Dr. Sears has appeared on over
The Connection Between Gut Health And Our Immunity System W/ Dr. Vincent Pedre
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Dr. Vincent Pedre. Dr. Pedre is a functional medicine-certified doctor, and the author of the best-selling book Happy Gut. Now, I wanted to have Dr. Pedre on the show, not because we haven’t talked about gut health in the past, but because I
Dr. Ann Shippy On Epigenetics, The Paleo Diet, And Mold
Greetings, SuperFriends! In this week’s episode, we are once again joined by Dr. Ann Shippy, a former IBM engineer turned traditional medicine doctor, turned functional medicine doctor, turned author, and TEDx speaker. She attended the University of Texas Medical School, after leaving a career at IBM engineering for 10 years.

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz On How To Develop And Optimize A Healthy Gut Microbiome
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today I’m really excited to be joined by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz – very hard to pronounce, but very interesting to listen to. Dr. Bulsiewicz is an MD, MSCI, board-certified, award-winning gastroenterologist. Yes, there are awards. In gastroenterology. That was one of many, many things that I learned in

How To Take Care Of Your Sleep And Transform Your Life W/ Hugo Mercier
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Hugo Mercier, the CEO and co-founder of Dreem, a leading digital therapeutic for sleep disorders. Hugo has led his business through the development of the company’s solution – the Dreem 2 headband -, which I recently got a chance to try out and