In this episode with Dr. Boris Konrad, we talk on the neuroscience behind memory, and we learn some new exciting things on the benefits of memory training.
25 Jun 2019

Dr. Boris Konrad On The Skill And Neuroscience Behind Memory Techniques

Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we have a special treat, as we are actually joined by a neuroscientist researcher and memory competitor. In fact, this is someone whose work we have been quoting for many years, improving the scientific validity for everything that we do in SuperHuman Academy. In case you’ve been

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10 Feb 2015

Dr. Anthony Metivier on How to Remember Anything & Everything

After having such a great time as a guest on the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast, I was very excited to turn the tables around and interview Dr. Anthony Metivier as one of the very first guests on the SuperHuman Academy podcast. Anthony is someone who’s work I’ve admired for a

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