Learning How To Play The Piano In Just 21 Days W/ Jacques Hopkins
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Jacques Hopkins. Jacques worked as an engineer for eight years before quitting his job and turning his biggest hobby into a highly successful online piano course. Today, he supports his family with the passive income from his course, while teaching others to do

The Science And Magic Behind Music And Brain.fm W/ Daniel Clark
Greetings, SuperFriends! This week we are going to explore how you can become SuperHuman simply by putting on a pair of headphones… No, I’m not talking about some crazy electrode that hacks your brain. I’m talking about music that is specifically designed to help you focus, help you fall asleep, help

Music, Meditation, And How To Finally Commit To It W/ Jason Campbell
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Jason Campbell. He is the co-founder of a company called Zen Wellness, and he is someone that I met at Genius Network, Joe Polish’s mastermind, which I’ve joined in the last year. Jason is really interesting, mainly because he combines a couple of different

How To Accelerate Your Learning Of Music & More w/ Zach Evans, Piano SuperHuman
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Zach Evans and Zach actually came to us through a recommendation of someone in the SuperLearners Facebook group. Zach is a professional pianist who has also started very successful online music and piano training business, and he specializes in accelerated learning techniques for

How To Learn Music & Musical Instruments Faster w/ Josh Turknett
Greetings, SuperFriends! Welcome to this week’s episode. Today we are going to explore a topic that really we haven’t explored enough, and that is learning about music. We all know that music is so good for our brains, and we know that there are so many benefits to learning a