Immanence, mantras, and cheetos? W/ Dr. Anthony Metivier
Introduction: Anthony walks us through his amazing journey from working in academia to becoming a thought leader on memory training. It is more than a tale of having learned mnemonic techniques, but rather it recounts personal growth and change. Walk away with tangible learnings that students, working professionals, and anyone passionate
Hal Elrod On Achieving Your Dreams With The Miracle Equation
Greetings, SuperFriends! Welcome to a really special and deeply inspiring episode of the show. Today we are rejoined by one of the most popular guests we’ve ever had on the show – the amazing and astounding Hal Elrod. You probably know Hal because he is the author of the incredible

How (And Why) Burning Man Changes People Forever
Greetings, SuperFriends, and welcome to a very special episode of The Becoming SuperHuman Podcast! Typically, on the show, I interview world class athletes, memory champions, coaches, and more to help you guys understand the skills, strategies, and tools they use to overcome the impossible and achieve superhuman performance in a

Craig Ballantyne: The 5 Pillars Of Personal Transformation
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today, we’re joined by Craig Ballantyne, a Productivity & Success Transformation Coach, online marketing guru, entrepreneur, and the author of The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life. In 2001, Craig created the popular home workout program, Turbulence Training, and he’s also the

The Critical Flaw Behind Most Self Improvement Thinking w/ Author Derek Rydall
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Derek Rydall, an american screenwriter and author. Derek has worked as an actor, a screenwriter, a screenplay consultant, and has written a few books. He also hosts a podcast called Emergence. But actually, he joins us today to talk about his latest book

Lessons From A 1 Year Meditation Sabbatical w/ Karan Bajaj
Greetings, SuperFriends! My guest today is Indian-American author Karan Bajaj, who is known for the 3 bestselling novels he has written. However, that’s not why he’s joining us today. In fact, Karan is here to tell us about the incredible journey he embarked on a few years ago, after attaining