Special Episode #200: Hearing From You, Our Valued Listeners
Greetings, SuperFriends, and welcome to a very special episode, number #200, of The SuperHuman Academy Podcast! Can you all believe it’s already been 200 episodes? I certainly cannot! For this episode, we tried to put our heads together to think of another way to commemorate this massive milestone. Now, if you

Is Speed Reading a Hoax?
Greetings, SuperFriends! This week we are going to dive into a rather controversial topic, one that people have brought up to me for years. That is, is speed reading a hoax, or is it the real deal? You know, over the last few years that I’ve been teaching accelerated learning

Dr. Barbara Oakley: Understanding Learning And How It Works
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Dr. Barbara Oakley. If that name sounds familiar, it should, because not only is she a professor of engineering at Oakland University, but she also teaches the world’s largest and most popular online course, literally. It is called Learning How To Learn and

We Talk Bone Broth, Health Hacks, Marketing, and Business w/ Entrepreneur Justin Mares
Greetings, SuperFriends, and welcome to today’s show. Today we are joined by Justin Mares, a serial entrepreneur and author, and the more recent founder of Kettle and Fire, a rapidly growing ecommerce company specializing in ultra-healing bone broth. Justin is widely regarded as a marketing expert, and has been involved

Memory GrandMaster Kevin Horsley on How To Have an Unlimited Memory
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today, we are joined by Kevin Horsley, a GrandMaster of Memory, world record holder, bestselling author, and public speaker who hails from South Africa. For the past 25 years, Kevin has been working to better understand the mind and memory – overcoming his own difficult learning disabilities and

Why Learning Is The Only Skill That Matters
Greetings, superfriends, and welcome to this week’s episode. Normally, on the show, I interview real-life superhumans to tease out the skills and strategies they use to achieve the seemingly impossible. This week is a little different. This week, we have a “mini” episode; an essay I’ve written on learning, and

Raising Genius Children & Hacking Memory with Dr. Lev & Prof. Anna Goldentouch
Greetings, Superfriends, and welcome to the show! As I’m sure most of you know, my journey towards becoming the humble host of this show started when I built an online course translating the materials of two of my mentors and tutors, on the topics of memory, speed reading, and accelerated learning.

Dr. Anthony Metivier & Jonathan Levi on Memory, Learning, Life, and Happiness
Part 1: Play in New Window Download View in Stitcher View in iTunes Part 2: Play in New Window Download View in Stitcher View in iTunes Download the entire transcript here! Greetings, superfriends! As many of you may know, in mid-July, I had the great pleasure of hosting Dr. Anthony

Prof. Anna & Dr. Lev Goldentouch on Memory, Speed Reading, and Becoming a SuperLearner
For most of my adult life, I’ve had a very keen interest in optimizing in improving my physical health, mental capacities, and my productive life (hence this blog and podcast). In 2009, I met someone with incredible superhuman ability to learn and it dramatically accelerated rate – one of the