How To Turn Your Stress Into The Absolute SuperPower W/ Dr. Jaime Hope
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by SuperWoman. Not literally, but pretty much a SuperWoman, because today I speak with Dr. Jaime Hope. Jaime is a dual certified attending physician specializing in emergency medicine at one of the most intense level-one trauma tertiary centers in the country. She is also

How “Floating” Could Change Your Life with Sensory Deprivation Expert Shane Stott
Greetings, Superfriends, and welcome to this week’s show! This week, I’m excited to think that I might just introduce you to a health practice that you’ve never heard of. It’s called “floating.” Well, more scientifically speaking, it’s called sensory deprivation. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Maybe you haven’t. Maybe, like