How To Achieve Financial & Location Independence W/ Shlomo Freund

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“Do things today, before it's too late. Things like freedom, finances, and aligning those together.”
— Shlomo Freund

Greetings, SuperFriends!

Today we are joined by Shlomo Freund. Shlomo is an entrepreneur who, over the past 15 years, has slowly built the life he really wanted for himself, by conducting careful finances and creating a location independent lifestyle, with a good work & life balance and passive income streams.

You see, Shlomo started by building a successful company in China, and over time realized that what he wanted was a remote lifestyle. Today he helps people avoid the regular approach of making/saving money for its own sake and waiting until the end of life to be able to travel, see the world, and relax.

He and his wife, as he told me on the episode, are currently in Sri Lanka with their 3-year-old, traveling and working, and just enjoying life. I know a lot of you are really interested in remote lifestyles, but think that you need to have all kinds of skills and money to be able to travel, work, and live this kind of lifestyle – the truth is, that is wrong.

You can actually do this, you can actually become location independent, and you can actually achieve this incredible life of adventure – in this episode, you are going to learn how.

So, I really enjoyed the episode, it definitely inspired me to have some conversation with my fiancee, and I think you are really going to enjoy it as well!

-Jonathan Levi

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Every month, we’ll invite top experts to host their own 30-day challenges, solely for the members of this group… Plus, each member will get awesome gear delivered to their home, AND discounts on various of our products! Click on the banner to find out more!

This episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic. Click here to save 15% on their amazing mushrooms coffees today, for all orders placed on their website!

This episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic. Click here to save 15% on their amazing mushrooms coffees today, for all orders placed on their website!

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Who is Shlomo Freund and what does he do? [3:50]
  • How did Shlomo get here? [5:00]
  • Why was remote living important for Shlomo? [6:50]
  • What is money anxiety? [8:40]
  • What does Shlomo mean when he talks about having a plan around money? [11:00]
  • A conversation on using money to get free time vs working more [16:00]
  • What types of investment does Shlomo prefer? [18:55]
  • Debating the stock market [20:40]
  • The taboo that exists around talking about money [24:20]
  • Some homework for you by Shlomo Freund [27:35]
  • How can you assess whether location independence is for you, and what is most often the biggest problem? [28:55]
  • Resources for finding remote opportunities [32:30]
  • Skills, habits, and routines that help Shlomo perform at a high level [35:35]
  • Products or services that Shlomo can't live without [36:25]
  • Some books that have impacted Shlomo Freund's life [37:35]
  • How to get involved in the FIRE movement [38:45]
  • What are the best 100$ Shlomo has ever spent? [39:50]
  • Where can you find more about Shlomo Freund? [41:15]
  • Shlomo Freund's takeaway message [42:00]

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Favorite Quotes from Shlomo Freund:

“It's about just making the decision and going with the flow.”
“Really know where you are right now.”
“You don't have to go all the way to being location independent. You can just go and take longer vacations.”


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