Mark Victor Hansen On Writing, Entrepreneurship, And The Power Of Questions

Greetings, SuperFriends!
Welcome to a very special episode of the show! Today we are joined by Mark Victor Hansen. Mark has sold over 500 million books. He's best known as the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, but he actually has written over 309 books, and is known for his endearing and charismatic style. You've probably also heard of some of his other books including The One Minute Millionaire.
Mark is known for having spoken to over 6000 audiences worldwide on a wide variety of topics, and he actually studied directly under Buckminster Fuller, one of Einstein's greatest students. He has a lifetime of entrepreneurial success, alternative energy pursuits, and more. I do encourage you to check out his list of 309 books, as well as his appearances on Oprah, CNN, The Today Show, Time Magazine, USA Today, the New York Times, and much, much more.
In other words, Mark is probably one of the most SuperHuman authors on the planet, and in this episode, I wanted to learn not only how that is possible, and how he has achieved so much, but also what are the mindsets, the tools, the tactics, and techniques that have allowed him to do so much. In addition to that, I wanted to learn what his message was for all of you, during these admittedly challenging times.
The conversation was absolutely fascinating, and it veers more on the side of entrepreneurship that we usually go. But I think that's what people need to hear right now, in these challenging economic times, so I know you're going to enjoy this episode as much as I did!
-Jonathan Levi

This episode is brought to you by BluBlox. Click here to save 15% on their amazing blue-blocking glasses, for all orders placed on their website, by adding coupon code SUPERHUMAN at checkout!
In this episode, we discuss:
- Who is Mark Victor Hansen, what does he do, and how did he get here? [4:15]
- How did Mark get into books and writing? [7:45]
- The inside story on how Mark fell in love with writing [12:20]
- The first steps that Mark took after high school [14:30]
- How (and why) does Mark write 12 books at the same time? [19:25]
- A conversation on accelerated learning [25:00]
- The power of asking [29:30]
- The future of most jobs, and how to distinguish yourself [33:00]
- The principle behind Ask! [36:15]
- The balance of attraction and action [38:45]
- What are some other hacks that Mark is using to perform at a SuperHuman level? [44:00]
- Where can you learn more about Mark Victor Hansen? [50:40]
- Mark Victor Hansen's final takeaway message [53:10]
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- Chicken Soup for the Soul
- The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth by Mark Victor Hansen
- Dare to Win: The Guide to Getting What You Want Out of Life by Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
- Future diary by Mark Victor Hansen
- Jack Canfield's books on Amazon
- Mark Victor Hansen's books on Amazon
- Stand Up, Speak Out, and Win! by Keith DeGreen
- Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny by Mark Victor Hansen
- Scribe
- The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
- Mark Victor Hansen's website
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