How to Learn a Language Fast with Polyglot Benny Lewis

Привет, everyone! I'm very excited to announce that my guest on the SuperHuman Academy Podcast this week is one of the world’s most renowned experts on learning languages quickly and effectively. By his early-20’s, Benny Lewis had failed to learn Spanish and Irish, despite living in Spain and growing up in Ireland. As a result, he decided to reapproach language learning in a smarter way, and developed his own system. Using this methodology, he has since becoming fluent and confident in 7 languages. He runs a popular blog called Fluent in 3 months, and his book of the same title was the #1 bestseller across numerous categories and countries on Amazon. Benny has been featured in Time Magazine, Forbes, Lifehacker, the BBC, and many more, and he also gave one of my favorite TEDx talks of all time.
I’m a HUGE fan of Benny’s, not just because he’s an upbeat and lovable guy, but also because in just half an hour, he can inspire anyone with the thirst and motivation to learn a language. This interview was one of the most inspiring half-hour conversations I’ve had in a long time. In addition to a hefty dose of inspiration, Benny offers practical and applicable tips that ANYONE can use to start learning a language TODAY. If you’re currently learning a language, this interview will arm you with the tools to double your efficacy – and if you’re not learning a language, you’re going to want to after listening to this episode.
In this episode, we discuss:
- How Benny Lewis went from failing to learn two languages to becoming a “polyglot” who is fluent in 7 languages
- What languages mean to Benny, and why that is the key to his success
- Why (and how) Benny decided to make language learning his life's work
- The game-changing attitude shift that allows Benny and his students to learn languages FAST
- Embarrassment and being comfortable speaking a new languages
- Benny's guidelines for setting goals and timelines when learning a new language
- How Benny Lewis structures and plans his 3-month language learning sessions as he goes along
- How Benny knows what areas or skills to focus on at which point in his language learning journey
- Benny Lewis's method for how to learn a language fast – exclusively through the internet
- What are the key tools, websites, and resources that Benny relies on to learn languages fast
- How does one “hack” grammar and learn it more effectively
- When and where do reading & writing come into Benny's learning timeline
- How Benny's learning methodology has influenced other personal growth goals, including running a marathon
- What Benny is working on now, and what's coming up next from him
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- Benny Lewis' Bestselling Book: Fluent in 3 Months (Also available on the iBookstore)
- Benny's Blog, Fluent in 3 Months
- Memrise, a startup by GrandMaster of Memory Ed Cooke
- Anki, a highly-sophisticated software that helps you do spaced repetition and memorization
- Duolingo, a free language-learning app for Android and iPhone
- iTalki, a website where you can hire private tutors very affordably
- YouTube's Trends Dashboard
- Malcolm Knowles (Though I mistakenly call him Malcolm Gladwell! Oops!) and his works on adult andragogy
Favorite Quotes:
Introduction: Welcome to the Becoming SuperHuman Podcast, where we interview extraordinary people to bring you the skills and strategies to overcome the impossible. And now here's your host, Jonathan Levi.
Jonathan Levi: Privyet Superfriends. There's your soy, Jonathan Levi. Why the foreign languages you ask? Well, my guest this week is one of the world's most renowned experts on learning languages quickly and effectively. By his early twenties, Benny Lewis had failed to learn Spanish and Irish. Despite living in Spain and growing up in Ireland. As a result, he decided to reapproach language learning in a smarter way and developed his own system. Using this methodology, he has since become fluent and confident in seven languages. He runs a popular blog called Fluent in Three Months. And his book of the same title was the number one bestseller across numerous categories and countries on Amazon. Ben has been featured in Time magazine, Forbes, Life Hacker, the BBC, and many more.
And he also gave one of my favorite Ted Talks of all time. Now I'm a huge fan of Benny's. Not just because he's an upbeat and lovable guy, but also because in just half an hour, he can inspire anyone with thirst and motivation to learn a language. This interview was one of the most inspiring half-hour conversations I've had in a long time.
In addition to a hefty dose of inspiration, Benny offers practical and applicable tips that anyone can use to start learning a language today. If you're currently learning a language, this interview will arm you with the tools to double your efficacy. And if you're not learning a language you're going to want to, after listening to this episode. And now I'd like to extend a warm welcome, Bienvenidos!, Baruch Haba! And dobro pozhalovat’! to Mr.Benny Lewis.
Benny, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for making the time today. I know you're super busy.
Benny Lewis: Thank you very much for having me.
Jonathan Levi: I have to admit I'm really, really excited because your Ted Talk is actually a required homework in my online course. And students really, really love it. It's one of the first things that they see when I'm telling them what a SuperLearner is and giving them examples of
just what's possible when you use mnemonics and other memorization techniques, so I'm a little bit giddy to have the opportunity to interview you this morning.
Benny Lewis: No, no, it's great. I'm very glad the Ted Talks are being used to its full potential.
Jonathan Levi: Absolutely. So I'm sure much of the audience has heard of you because there is a lot of overlap from, you know, my student base.
But for those who haven't perhaps taken us through the story of how you became a polyglot or a speaker of many languages.
Benny Lewis: So I only spoke English when I was 21. I just graduated with a degree in Electronic Engineering. I moved to Spain and I figured I would just pick up spanish naturally. But I didn't. I lived there for six months and I did not learn any Spanish in that time.
And for most of the time, I presumed it was because I don't have the language learning gene, but I made some changes in mentality. And that helped me to actually genuinely learn Spanish all the way up to mastery level. And I've taken that farther and learned a bunch of other languages. And that's been the theme of my travels for the last 12 years.
And I've tried to inspire other people to do the same thing.
Jonathan Levi: Amazing. So you're traveling pretty much year.
Benny Lewis: Yeah.
Benny Lewis: I don't have a base anywhere. So I'm on the road all the time. Everything I own weighs 23 kilograms or 50 pounds, so I can put it on the plane with me. That's
Jonathan Levi: That's so inspiring. What are the other languages that you speak now?
Benny Lewis: So after Spanish, I went on to Italian and then French and then Portuguese. So those are the Romance languages. And then I went back to Ireland to learn Irish or Gauda. Um, I learned German and American sign language, um, Mandarin, and a little Dutch. So those are the languages I work on actively. And there are a bunch of other languages that I've gotten into over the years, but I have not maintained them so I wouldn't include them in my active languages.
Jonathan Levi: And if you wanted to pick them up again, is that quite a bit of work? I imagine it's not a matter of relearning them.
Benny Lewis: No, it's actually pretty easy to reactivate. I tried it out with my Hungarian. I went back to Budapest a couple of years back and I found that a couple of days, intensively looking over my old notes.
And trying to get on Skype to have a quick chat with somebody, brought it back to the front of my mind. So it's the kind of thing wherein those languages if you ask me a question right now, this second, I would not be able to answer you, or I wouldn't even know some basic words, but with some intensive learning, I'd actually get back to where I was pretty quickly.
Jonathan Levi: Well, I think you're safe on the check. I don't have any check skills. I might ask you a question or two in Russian, but,
Benny Lewis: Hmm. Yeah. Sadly, I haven't gotten to that one yet.
Jonathan Levi: Oh really? Okay. Yeah. That's, it's a tough one, but really, really rewarding. I found.
Benny Lewis: So I hear, yep.
Jonathan Levi: So at what point did you decide to take language learning from a hobby to a passion, to your life's work?
What was the kind of turning point that made you say, this is what I want to do with my life.
Benny Lewis: Well, I never really considered it a hobby it's, uh, for me, languages are, I know for lots of people learning in language would be a very interesting thing. But one reason that I have gotten as far as I have is because I see languages themselves as a means to an end.
So I've always learned the language in order to be able to communicate with the culture better. And it's just been a natural process of trying to live my life a particular way. But what happened was over the years, I would keep meeting people who would initially tell me, wow, you're so smart, you speak all these languages.
And I would adamantly tell them, no, I worked hard and I changed my mentality. I used to not be good at languages and I convinced them. And I was very happy when I would do that. But obviously then five minutes later, I'd meet somebody else and I'd have to say everything. I just said all over again. So I got the idea to share one of my language learning adventures from start to finish as transparently as I could, and the best way to do that would be to blog about it.
And when I started the blog, I didn't think of it as a means to make a living. I just genuinely wanted to encourage people to learn languages. And I continued my work as a freelance translator, but the blog grew so quickly that I saw that there was an opportunity to make a living out of this. And so I switched to that and it was very effective.
Jonathan Levi: Incredible. And actually, you've published a book by the same title as your blog Fluent in Three Months.
Benny Lewis: That's right. Yeah. Published with Harper Collins. Which is great because the Collins brand is very well known for dictionaries and other learning materials.
Jonathan Levi: Yeah. So I have to admit, I actually read the book last week and I loved it.
And thank you very much. Yeah, of course. I think if I had to take away one main point that you really really drive home to aspiring language learners, I guess I would say that it's, that they need to speak the language as early and as often as possible kind of way before they feel they're ready. And without reverting to English, would you say
Benny Lewis: that's fair?
Yeah, absolutely. If you wait till you're ready, that day will never come, because ultimately none of us speak, even our mother tongues perfectly. So a lot of people traditionally apply that mentality to their target language and they feel like until they know every single word and every single grammar road, they're not worthy to start speaking the language.
But if you want to learn it, you've got to speak to us. And speaking is part of the process. So I definitely recommend people speak from day one.
Jonathan Levi: Sure. And it seems that instead of actually the language learning gene, as you call it, being the differentiator, really the differentiator is people who are embarrassed, just don't learn languages. I mean, I live in a country where I speak every day, not my native language and I make mistakes nonstop. And if I were embarrassed, I don't think I would learn anything.
Benny Lewis: Whereas I learned regularly two, three words every day. That's right. Yeah. You really have to embrace this being okay with making mistakes and being cool with having fun with it.
It's actually, I know when everybody gets into language learning, they have this idea that the goal is to master the language and being able to have like deep conversations. And obviously, that is important and that's something we all want, but you should embrace being a beginner, be okay with being at that stage, be okay with having the conversations about what your name is, what you're doing that day, and laugh at the mistakes you're making and people will be patient with you.
So absolutely being okay with embarrassing yourself. It's not really embarrassing. It's just, it's only what you think it will be. I actually try to act more confident while I'm speaking. And this is so interesting that even as I'm a beginner learner, people think my level is much higher than an actually is simply because I'm not hesitating or doubting myself and I'm not looking nervous.
And all of these things make you look like a better speaker making even sound like a better speaker. So just embrace that and act the part. And you'd be surprised how far you guess.
Jonathan Levi: Definitely. And I've found that to be true. I mean, one of the big things I do is I try right away to kind of disarm people's politeness training and say, you know, the, one of the first sentences I learned in Russian made sure you tell me if I make any mistakes.
And it goes a long way. So that seems to be kind of the big, big take-home. But what are two or three of the other game-changing strategies or tips that you use for learning languages?
Benny Lewis: I would say make specific goals. So for instance, what a lot of people do is they have vague goals, like learn Spanish, and that doesn't really work.
These kinds of new year's resolutions. It ends up being like a bottomless pit that you just shovel more and more vocabulary and grammar into. And that will obviously never fill up. So one of the reasons that my blog and book is called Fluent in Three Months is because it's not a prescription. I'm not telling everybody you have to aim for fluency in three months.
It's an example of a specific goal and a specific timeline. So rather than learn Russian, maybe the goal should be, reach conversational level Russian into months. Or be able to read a Russian novel in five months or get by as a confident tourist in one week. You know you have a very, very well-defined target in a very obviously specific timeline.
So that's one tip I give and another coming back to the mistakes and embracing our mistake attitude, I would say, why not aim to make at least 200 mistakes a day. So a lot of people that would be probably afraid to speak, like we were just talking about. So they feel mistakes are the problem because of the more academic environment that people tend to learn languages.
Each mistake is a big red X that brings you closer to fail, but I'd say the mistakes are actually helping you. Mistake as you using the language that's used practicing the language. So this is actually helping you. So that's my goal. My goal is, to make 200 mistakes a day and I can guarantee you I'm getting way better practice than people whose goal is to make zero mistakes a day.
Jonathan Levi: Yeah. Well, I mean, when you create a mistake, you have a memorable, contextual example of why that word is pronounced that way or something like that. You know, I'll never forget, I kind of added the wrong ending to the word flowers instead of E I added O like pluralizing it in Hebrew and everybody had a good laugh in good fun, and I will never ever make that mistake again because it's etched into my mind how the word is actually supposed to be pluralized.
Benny Lewis: Yeah. And, it also depends on the culture. I mean, keep in mind if you're learning Hebrew in Israel, that's a particular kind of culture and way of talking to foreigners. I've found that in lots of places like South America and a lot of Europe and in Asia, when you're trying to speak the language to people, they'd never laugh at you.
They may just go with the flow and you can get the word ending wrong, or get the pleura wrong. Put the words in the wrong order and people will just nod politely. And then maybe they repeat back to you the right way to say the phrase. So, uh, people should never be worried that anyone would laugh at you.
Of course, people are always very friendly. And encouraging when you're learning their
Jonathan Levi: language. And also when you take your ego out of the equation, it's really okay if people laugh, it's funny, you know, it's, it's funny to say the wrong word and you have these kinds of situations where you say something and people go with the flow and then three minutes later, and they kind of mentioned something and like, wait, hold on, what did you think I said? And you have these kinds of huge comedic scenes of wait, no, no, no. That's, that's not what I meant at all.
Benny Lewis: Yeah, it's always lots of fun whenever you take all of these things in your stride and remember it's really not the end of the world.
Jonathan Levi: Of course. So your book and blog, as we've mentioned, are called Fluent in Three Months.
And one of the things I'm really interested in is, how that time is broken down. Could you maybe walk us through, week by week, what you're doing at which point at which point you stopped kind of cramming vocabulary like you mentioned before?
Benny Lewis: Yeah. So the thing is I would not prescribe to somebody a particular week one do this, week two do that because that is ultimately the problem with quite a lot of language courses right now is they generically tell people you have to learn this first and this second and this third.
I've found that what works much better for me is to see what is my biggest problem this week. So those three months sessions are essentially broken down into many missions. So for example, when I was learning Chinese, the very first week, there are a lot of things that I needed to learn. Obviously, I needed to learn characters.
I needed to know tones, I needed to learn vocabulary cause I didn't have any words. I needed to learn sentence structure. There's a thousand things that you need to learn, but I needed to find what is the biggest, most important thing that I need to know right now. And I found that with Mandarin, whenever I tried to read the phrases from my phrasebook, even when it was right in front of me, people wouldn't understand me.
So the biggest problem I had was tones. Even if I got the pronunciation of something right. My tones weren't right. So rather than decide, okay. Maybe I'll do like 20 minutes of tones a day and then still spend the rest of the day learning basic vocabulary and sentence structure and Chinese characters. I decided to devote my entire day to tones.
And I did that over several days until I reached the stage where something I would read from my book so I still hadn't memorized anything yet. Something I'd read would be understood. So, this is what I like to do in these three months projects is I see each week. What's the biggest problem I have. So it's not a case of, oh, let's just cram a bunch of vocabulary because that's not the problem.
That's a very broad way of looking at it. The problem maybe if I'm starting a conversation with somebody I'm not able to keep it flowing, not because I don't know enough general vocabulary like I don't need to know the word for a shoelace. I need to know the word for Irish. I needed to know the word for the blog because these are things I work on.
I need to be able to say I'm learning Chinese because I want to travel in China. These are the kind of things that are more specific to me. So people need to keep that in mind and have a much more independent and self-structured approach. So you see what you're the biggest problem hindering you right this second from communicating and try to think, really think about it.
Don't think things like, Oh, my German is crap. That's my biggest problem. That's not the way to go about it. Do you see? What is the single thing you need to work on and work on us? And I readdress this every single week. So that's the approach I would take rather than a week when I do this, definitely. Because you don't know, when you take on a new language, you don't know what your biggest problem is necessarily going to be.
Jonathan Levi: And the way you're assessing what the biggest problem every week is, is it coming from the experience? Is it coming from feedback?
Benny Lewis: Well, yeah. So keep in mind that one thing that I will do that we mentioned before is I'm speaking from day one. I'm already taking that for granted. Then I'm going to get on Skype and I'm going to talk to a person in front of me and I'm going to try to have the conversation in advance without me using English.
So with that in mind, I will see, okay, what is stopping me from doing this? And, if what's stopping me, you could say vocabulary is stopping you, but it's not the end of the world. If you're talking to someone on Skype, you can always have a dictionary tab open and you could try to look up the words you don't know.
I try to, you know, temporarily fix all of those problems so I can see what is the biggest problem. And if you have a dictionary in front of you and you're trying to speak to someone and they still don't understand you, then maybe you just ask your teacher. You'll try to spend 20 minutes with a native speaker, whether it's on Skype or in person.
And you will ask your teacher, what is my biggest problem, or, my top three problems. And you go off and you work on those. And ultimately is hard to self-diagnose what your issues are in a language. And that's why I say you got to talk to other human beings and someone is a native of the language or experience in teaching
the language will be very good at telling you what your biggest issue is. So always keep that in mind. Don't be thinking in terms of, I need to go find the right book and find the right course or the right software, find the right person or people and talk to them and they'll help you with find out what the things you need to work on most on.
Jonathan Levi: Yeah. It's exactly like a child learns, just speaking and speaking and speaking and speaking without picking up a book until much later in the game.
Benny Lewis: Yeah. That's exactly. Yes.
Jonathan Levi: So you mentioned Skype. I'm curious what some of the other important tools are in your language learning toolkit?
Benny Lewis: Well, Skype is important because in the last couple of years I have actually learned my languages exclusively via the internet.
So one thing I always tell people is you do not need to go to the country. Like I said before, I was in Spain for six months and I didn't pick up Spanish. So that's one thing worth mentioning. But otherwise, let's see, I am a big fan of memorize and Cook's a startup. Yeah, that's right.
It's for the mnemonics. I'm sure you talk about it. So I find that very, very useful to help me come up with new ways of remembering words. I like Anki and I create what I like to call a me specific vocabulary. So when I start any language I have not necessarily the top 500 words in general. Although I may use that, I may look at us.
I also like to come up with words relevant to me and things that I will talk about if I introduce myself to someone. And I'll create an Anki deck and I will study those flashcards. Depending on the language you could use dual language. It's good for some languages for a basic quick course. There's lots of dictionaries online, like a word reference, as a pretty good one.
And then it really depends on the language. So the way I would find the person on Skype, uh, one of my other favorite resources is I talk ITALK I would use that site to search and if you're on a budget, you can get a free language exchange. And if you have a little bit of money to spend, which doesn't actually need to be that much money, because you can leverage currency differences, you can get consistent practice with people.
So I would get an all-out of those things and I would try to see what's a good resource for my language in particular, and maybe try to relax in the language. So if you Google YouTube trends, you can see the trending videos for a particular country. So, if I was learning Hebrew, I would look up the YouTube trending videos in Israel.
And I see, you know, even if it's a silly video of a cat on a skateboard, I still hear the comments of the person recording it in Hebrew, and that's kind of relaxed time and I get to practice in that way. So there's an endless amount of resources. There's loads of reading materials online. There's podcasts. I go to tune to listen, to live streams radio in the language. And that's free as well. And even when I go jogging, I was jogging this morning, listening to French music, even though I'm in Australia at the moment. So there's so many things that you can listen to. I would always see what your interests are.
I'm into technology, for instance, and science, you can watch science videos in Spanish. If you want. So I think ideally somebody should talk to a native speaker, tell them their interests and try to find stuff for that interest. So not just language learning materials, but, you know, I would try to find Saifai materials in my target language, or I try to find something related to travel in my target language.
Something that native speakers themselves would use that would make it much more interesting.
Jonathan Levi: I love that. I love that it's a large part of your methodology actually closely relates to Malcolm Gladwell's work. He's this guy in the 1950s, who came up with a lot of research and theory around what it takes for an adult brain to learn and you touch on it a lot.
You know, why am I learning the language, learning materials that are fun, creating a respectful environment. I mean, these are all things that he discovered that have to be there for adults to learn anything.
Benny Lewis: That's right. Yeah. I would agree entirely with
Jonathan Levi: that. And I have thank you by the way, because I'm pretty sure I discovered Anki through either you or Luca Lampariello.
And I talked to you. I definitely discovered through you and I love it. It's just so incredible to have someone's undivided tutoring attention and you know, I'm learning. So I get a lot of variety, lovely tutors.
Benny Lewis: Yeah. And it's great because you pay way less. If you were to get private lessons. Inexpensive cities, then, you know, it could be like $50 an hour or something.
Whereas on the italki you can get pretty good teachers for $5 and very good teachers for 10 or $15 on the language. Yeah. It's a great resource. Yeah.
Jonathan Levi: So your book shares a really, really great methodology for learning vocabulary, which we've discussed on the show before, but it basically involves creating vivid images and markers, what we call markers in my course.
I still remember, by the way, the Chinese word Mùbiāo which means target, because in your book you describe, you know, a Californian from the sky with a target painted rear end. Yeah. What about grammatical rules? How are you hacking that?
Benny Lewis: So with grammar, the trick is a lot of people may try to study grammar at the start.
And I think this is a big mistake because you have all of these rules and you have nothing to attach them to. So my approach with grammar, my hack, if you will, is to try to not learn as try to just piece together the words, even if it sounds like Tarzan speak. Pieced together the words as a beginner, you're going to get much, much further by just saying bathroom where, instead of trying to get it all right, and say, “Excuse me, kind, sir, could you direct me to the nearest bathroom please?”
It's really not necessary. So I would not learn grammar at the start. And then, later on, I don't necessarily have mnemonics for grammar. I would just use traditional grammar, explanation books. There's so many of them that there are good explanations out there. There are good exercises. I wouldn't be able to improve on those necessarily.
But what I do is I come to them later because when I have a context of the language in my mind, when I'm able to speak it, and I understand it, and I have a flow in the language. Then when I read it grammatical explanation, I think so that's why they do it that way. And it does make a difference because I learned German in school and I never really got anywhere with it because it was a very grammar, heavy learning approach.
And I found a tedious. But as an adult, I came back to German. I learned enough to get by and to make friends and on a basic level and to express myself, even if all of my grammar was wrong. And then a few months into it, when I had the momentum, I picked up a grammar book and I find it interesting. So I didn't need to hack it in any way.
I just studied grammar when I had momentum in the line.
Jonathan Levi: So again, a lot of kind of recreating the process that a child uses to learn language.
Benny Lewis: Yeah, exactly. Children themselves they will make mistakes and their parents will have them and correct them, laugh with them that it's really not the end of the world.
And then when they get into school, they learn how to speak correctly and properly. And so on. It's in language learning too many of us try to do everything at once. We try to speak properly, we also try to write a language. I also don't think it's a the best thing in the world to learn how to read and write a language immediately.
I mean, it's fine. If it's a European language that uses the same script, but if you're learning a language with a different script, or if you're especially learning like Chinese or something, I feel it's way more beneficial to learn like a child does and to focus entirely all your energy. Like I said, my many missions speak the language, speak it well, And then I go back to reading and writing and I get through that much faster than if I had tried to spread myself thin and do everything at once from the start.
Jonathan Levi: So when you have the techniques you've developed for language learning started to bleed into other aspects of your life and helped you learn other things more quickly.
Benny Lewis: Yeah, absolutely. So for instance, I'm training to run a marathon this year, and that in itself sounds like a, if you had never run before, it sounds like an impossible goal, but the marathon has never actually been what I'm focused on.
So first I focused on just running a 5k. And it took me several months to train for that, but I eventually was able to run 5k and then I put it up a notch to run a 10 K and I reached out and now I'm pushed it up to a half marathon. And it's the same in language journey. I aim to be a basic conversationalist.
Then I'll aim to have confident conversations. Then I'll aim for fluency where I'm as good as how I would be in my native language in social environments. Then I'll aim for mastery. Whereas if I was aiming for mastery from the stars, it would be overwhelming. So I have applied that I've applied it to fitness,
I apply it to my business. I try to really do one thing at a time. And over the long scale, everything will improve and my website will expand. And so on. So absolutely the same rules apply and I've talked to many successful people in many aspects in life, and I find they do tend to have specific goals and specific timelines.
Jonathan Levi: And a conscientious kind of learning methodology.
Exactly. So what's next? What are you working on right now? You mentioned the blog. I know the book has been out for quite some time now.
Benny Lewis: Yeah. So my priority over the last a year and a half has been kind of promoting a book, but mostly, going to as many places as I can to meet my readers face-to-face and give them some further encouragement and to learn what the problems they have are so that I can write about them even more.
So I was all over the States. I was in the UK and Ireland and Europe, and right now I'm in Australia promoting language learning. So I'm trying to encourage as many people as I can and try to meet, meet people face to face. And then otherwise I'm growing my website. Uh, right now what I'm working on passionately is my email list.
I'm trying to get language-specific tips to people because I have a pretty big email as people who get weekly news from me, but I really want to help people who are learning particular languages. So I'm working on that. So, yeah, I've got a lot of stuff that's keeping me busy these days. Amazing.
Jonathan Levi: And where can people sign up for that email list?
Benny Lewis: If you just go to my website,, that's it. You'll see the sign-up right there on the homepage. Or if you check out any of my blog posts, it's right after the blog posts and you can select the language you're learning. And I will send you updates about learning that language specifically.
Jonathan Levi: I'm going to do that as soon as we get off the call. And we'll also put that in the show notes for anyone who didn't catch it. Sounds great. So, Benny, I hope if you make it to Tel Aviv, well, first I hope you make it to Tel Aviv. And second, I hope if you do a, you will take me up on an offer of a beachfront place.
You're welcome to stay.
Benny Lewis: That sounds amazing. I will have to take you up on that for sure. Awesome.
Jonathan Levi: Um, and I really appreciate, again, your time and taking time away from all your different activities. It was a real pleasure speaking
Benny Lewis: to you today. It was great talking to you. Thanks for having me and, uh, best of luck to everyone
learning their languages. Just remember half the population, the planet can speak another language. So come join us. Awesome. Thanks
Jonathan Levi: Thanks so much, Benny. Thank you.
Closing: Thanks for tuning in to the Becoming Superhuman Podcast. For more great skills and strategies or for links to any of the resources mentioned in this episode, visit We'll see you next time.
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