How To Really Simplify And Perform At The Highest Level W/ Dr. Juli La Rocca
Greetings, SuperFriends! Welcome to this week’s episode, where we actually have a very special one for you! You’ve probably heard me talk about today’s guest before, Dr. Juli La Rocca, as a star SuperLearner student, and then someone who also took my Branding You program, and has gone on to

Mindset, Spirituality, And Mystical Experiences W/ Guy & Ilan Ferdman
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Guy & Ilan Ferdman. They are the blood brothers behind the Satori Prime brand and podcast. They are also speakers, and they have a combined 34+ years of coaching in the fields of business, leadership, personal development, and spiritual growth. Their application of

How To Be A True SuperHuman & The Power Of Visualization W/ Matt Belair
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Matthew Belair. I actually appeared on Matt’s podcast, and I got so interested in the little bits of his story that I managed to get out of him, that I invited him on my show to learn more about him. Matt is a

Going Deep On Coaching, Raising Children, And Esoterism W/ Sean McCormick
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Sean McCormick. Sean is a high-performance coach, a life coach, host of two different podcasts, including the top-rated Optimal Performance podcast, which I’ve had the pleasure of being on a couple of times, and is a super interesting dude. It is rare that

Controlling Our Physiology Through Our Breathing W/ Niraj Naik
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Niraj Naik. Niraj is a certified former pharmacist turned holistic health and breathwork expert. Having cured himself of Ulcerative Colitis, he is dedicated to helping others restore their health and improve their overall quality of life with holistic practices and lifestyle changes. Niraj

Retraining And Taking Control Of Our Breathing W/ Marco Tesi
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Marco Tesi. Marco has 10 years of experience working with people and creating holistic treatment plans, which include unique breathing and movement techniques to retrain your body and mind to achieve better health. He has a Bachelor degree in Sports Science, and a

The Science And Magic Behind Music And W/ Daniel Clark
Greetings, SuperFriends! This week we are going to explore how you can become SuperHuman simply by putting on a pair of headphones… No, I’m not talking about some crazy electrode that hacks your brain. I’m talking about music that is specifically designed to help you focus, help you fall asleep, help

The Effects A Religion – Judaism – Has On The Brain W/ Dr. Andrew Newberg
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are rejoined by Dr. Andrew Newberg. Dr. Newberg is currently the Associate Director in Charge of Research at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital in Philadelphia. He is also a Professor in the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Radiology at

Meditation And Optimizing Your Brain W/ Ariel Garten, Founder Of Muse
Greetings, SuperFriends! This week’s episode is a really interesting one, which I’m so happy we did! We are joined by Ariel Garten, a neuroscientist, an innovator, a mother, and an entrepreneur, whose driving purpose is to empower and help others overcome mental obstacles in order to live healthy, happy lives

Calisthenics, Kaizen Philosophy, and Business Management W/ Tee Major
Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined, once again, by my friend Tee Major. If you haven’t heard our first episode with Tee, you might want to check it out. He’s a pretty awesome guy! In that episode, we talked about all his experiences and the things that he has learned from