Dr. Kelly Starrett On How to Train & Maintain Your Body For Peak Performance At Age 97

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Dr. Kelly Starrett On How to Train & Maintain Your Body For Peak Performance At Age 97
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“Your body is an antifragile thing to be abused, and played with, and enjoyed.”
— Kelly Starrett

Greetings, SuperFriends!

Today, ladies and gentlemen, I got the chance to interview a personal hero of mine – someone who I discovered probably half a decade ago, and whose work has dramatically impacted my life, my body, and the way that I feel. I'm talking, of course, about Dr. Kelly Starrett.

Dr. Kelly Starrett is a doctor of physical therapy. He is a New York Times bestselling author of Becoming a Supple Leopard, as well as various other books, such as Ready To Run. He's also widely known as one of the founding fathers of CrossFit – though I understand he's no longer affiliated with it – and he is known as one of the top movement, mobility, kinesiology, physical therapy, and personal training experts on the planet.

In fact, he trains police forces and special forces, and he talks all over the country and the world about these topics. And for good reason. Because, as you're going to see in this episode, Kel, as he told me to call him, knows more about the human body than probably anyone you will ever meet. He knows how to train it. He knows how to fix it. He knows how to teach you how to fix, maintain, and train it, and in this episode, we go wide – trust me, he did not disappoint.

Personally, I've read a lot of his work and I've heard most of his interviews. And yet, even I learned something about how we can not only reevaluate the way that we treat our bodies, the way that we maintain our bodies, but what we can expect out of our bodies, and how we can face even old age, with strength, without pain, and with range of motion.

I think this episode is really going to change the way that you look at your body and look at aging. And I hope that it is going to change the way that you act in your body, the way that you use your body. Dr. Starrett gives you a simple piece of homework here, that takes 10 minutes a day, and I promise you, if you do it, your life will change.

I really enjoyed this episode, as you can tell, and I know you are going to as well – so please enjoy!

-Jonathan Levi

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In this episode, we discuss:

  • How the current situation affects the way we deal with our body [3:30]
  • Who is Dr. Kelly Starrett, what does he do, and how did he get here? [6:30]
  • The origin of Dr. Starrett's work [12:30]
  • The problem with the way we deal with pain [15:55]
  • How are we physically compromised today, compared to the past? [18:00]
  • Dr. Starrett's funny yoga story [28:00]
  • What is Dr. Starrett's philosophy on mobility? [32:20]
  • Does our body worsen with age and the more we use it, or does it improve? [38:45]
  • A test to evaluate the state of your body [43:40]
  • Expanding the age limits of our physical performance [44:30]
  • What are some things that we should all be doing? [50:15]
  • Why simple, applicable advice is way better than complex, seemingly perfect, advice [57:00]
  • The correct way to look at injuries [59:00]
  • Dr. Kelly Starrett's take on standing desks [1:02:00]
  • A bit of information on The Ready State app [1:11:00]
  • Dr. Kelly Starrett's final takeaway message [1:14:20]

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Favorite Quotes from Dr. Kelly Starrett:

“I realized that there was such a gap between how we were training our athletes and how rehab was.”
“Strength conditioning is the best way to make the invisible visible.”
“Pain is a request for change.”
“Humans do what works, and they don't do what doesn't work.”
“Movement is a skill.”
“We just have to begin somewhere.”


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